A Few Awards the Cincinnati Enquirer Didn’t Win

I recently read about the BIG night that the Cincinnati Enquirer had when they received 25 awards during the Ohio Associated Press Media Editors statewide journalism contest in May. Good journalism is to be appreciated and Cincinnatians have long been spoiled by a high degree of professionalism from the media. (See article at https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2023/05/09/enquirer-wins-25-awards-in-2023-ohio-apme-contest/70197489007/ ) […]
We Must Hold The Media Accountable For Ohio’s Bad Schools

I’m visiting South Carolina this week and I see that their Governor Henry McMaster has signed a bill for private school vouchers for parents. The Palmetto State now joins Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee in passing a law to give Educational Savings Account money to parents to allow them to choose where their […]
Where Is The Media On Spending And The Deficit Mess?

I chuckled at a recent Cincinnati Enquirer article from the Associated Press which read “McCarthy Struggles for Debt Bill Votes”. The entire article was negative about any attempt at all to reduce the deficit or to try and hold the federal government accountable for its spending. The United States is on a trajectory of doom […]